We provide Independent Guidance and Advice for clients looking to manage the risks around Non-Human Identities - our team has been advising, establishing and managing global regulatory IAM / NHI programs for over 25 years at major financial institutions.

The Non-Human Identity Management Group is the market leading Research and Advisory group that helps organisations manage the significant risk exposure from Non-Human Identities (NHIs) i.e. Service Accounts, Machine Identities, Workload Identities, API Keys, Tokens, Certificates, Secrets.

Non-Human Identities are the primary attack vector used by External / Internal Threat Actors to compromise systems and steal data. With the adoption of Cloud and SaaS services, this has created a huge Secrets Sprawl problem, leaving organisations further exposed to 3rd Party Supply Chain Attacks.

What are Non-Human Identities (NHIs) and Why Should You Be Concerned?
What are Non-Human Identities (NHIs) and Why Should You Be Concerned?
Non-Human Identity Management Group Mission Statement and Services Offered
Non-Human Identity Management Group Mission Statement and Services Offered

Contact us if you would like to get some independent guidance and advice on how to start tackling Non-Human Identity Risks.

Our NHI Mgmt Group was founded by an IAM Industry Veteran, who has managed some of the largest global regulatory NHI programs, author of major White-Papers and Research Articles on NHIs, KeyNote speaker, established the thriving NHI LinkedIn Community Group and recognised as the #1 NHI Evangelist / Voice in the industry.

We have the most comprehensive Knowledge Centre on NHIs including foundational Articles on NHIs, Industry White-Papers, Major Breaches, Research Reports, Blogs, Educational Videos, Industry Surveys, Newsletters as well as details of Products that support the risk management of NHIs.

Non-Human Identity Risks Explained

Non-Human Identity Knowledge Articles