Non-Human Identities - Guidance and Advice
Are you looking for assistance around how to go about understanding and managing the risks around Non-Human Identities (also known as Machine Identities / Workload Identities) ?
This is probably one of the most challenging problems an organisation will face and generally requires significant effort to get under control.
The NHI Mgmt Group is the market leading research analyst firm in the Non-Human Identity Management space. It was founded by an IAM Industry Veteran, author of major White-Papers and Articles on NHIs and recognised as the #1 NHI Evangelist / Voice in the industry.
Education & Awareness
Our comprehensive Knowledge Centre provides a wealth of materials on NHIs :
NHI Overview - key articles on what are NHIs, the risks and challenges and how to go about managing the risks
NHI Research - major research reports on NHIs
NHI Breaches - major breaches involving NHIs
Videos - animated videos to help understand about NHI risks and challenges
Blog - use-case deep deep dives and the latest news and developments on NHIs
Newsletter - subscribe to our regular newsletter on the latest news and developments
LinkedIn Group - a thriving LinkedIn Community Group where you can see the latest news, developments from the industry

We can provide Independent Guidance and Advice on how to assess your NHI exposure and how to establish a NHI program.
Our team has established and run $10-$20M+ global NHI programs at major financial organisations for over 20 years.
NHI Risk Assessments - we can assess your current risk exposure and maturity level
Business Case Development - we can help provide a business case for establishing a risk remediation program
Strategy and Architecture - we can assess your current architecture and review target state strategy
Risk Based Approach - we can help define a risk-based approach to ensure you reduce your highest risks as a priority
Program Initiation - we can help help establish a risk remediation program
Advisory & Consultancy

Our NHI Mgmt Group has a very deep understanding of the NHI landscape, vendors and their capabilities.
We pride ourselves in ensuring you identify the correct product fit for your organisation, leveraging any existing capabilities.
Market Analysis - we can provide perspectives on NHI market and landscape
Product Guides - we have a very deep understanding of the NHI products, many of which we showcase on our portal
Vendor Assessments - we can assist in performing vendor assessments
RFP Guidance - we can provide guidance on how to establish an RFP process and key selection criteria based on your use case
RFP Execution and Vendor Selection - we can execute an RFP process and assist with vendor selection
Vendor Assessment
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